Here Be Dragons’ – the phrase rattled around in my head for days after reading the brief, conjuring up thoughts of the unknown. As we exited the EU, as I settled into a new phase of life, as a close family member became seriously ill and another passed away, events seemed to be taking me into uncharted territory with unknowns, dragons, around every corner. As I take my first steps into this unknown, unexpected stage of life, maps and handwritten letters are included here to guide me; treasured and familiar objects come along to keep me company.
Cotton calico, printed cotton, leather, cotton batting. Inkjet printing, TAP Transfer Artist Paper, walnut ink dyeing, hand stitched raw edge appliqué. Found and artist-made objects including: Tiny books – from disintegrating much-loved books. Sand – from beaches and deserts I have visited. Arrowheads – copied from two I own, too precious to use, made as our ancestors would have, for the right sentiment. Keys – found, bought, gifted, represent everopening new doors, locking up past ones. Collected in Egypt – scarabs, belly dancers’ sequins, camels’ teeth. Items saved though finding unremembered – shells, horseshoe nails, tiny skulls.