The Anne Tuck Prize
The family of Anne Tuck, a founder-member of The Quilters’ Guild and also of Contemporary Quilt have donated funds for an annual award in her memory. Anne taught quilting throughout her career, and was a judge for The Quilters Guild. She was committed to bringing on new quilters. She was passionate about her art, and particularly the use of colour. Anne made many good friends through her quilting life and will be very much missed, we are very grateful to her family for supporting Contemporary Quilters in this way.
The Anne Tuck Prize is to be awarded for an outstanding entry into Contemporary Quilt’s annual Challenge by an exhibitor with under three years' membership of CQ, and not an established textile artist. To be chosen at the time of selection for the CQ Challenge exhibition. The prize of £180 is to be used to enable the winner to attend a course or workshop to further their quilting skills. |