Alexandra Kingswell
When darkness encroaches, faith fights back! The faith expressed in the Bloomfield Coverlet provides the inspiration for my piece.
The creator, facing the unspeakable grief experienced at the death of a child, “Ah! lovely babe! and thou art gone...”, has chosen to
seek comfort in their Christian faith - to lift their vision - to “re-vision” - from the hideous reality around them to the promise of
“tears turned to praise”. My intention, in creating this design and using these colours, is to suggestthe conflict between darkness
and light, despair and hope, and the strength and emerging triumph of faith.
Materials and techniques:
100% cotton fabric and batting.
Machine piecing and quilting
Click on image to enlarge
When darkness encroaches, faith fights back! The faith expressed in the Bloomfield Coverlet provides the inspiration for my piece.
The creator, facing the unspeakable grief experienced at the death of a child, “Ah! lovely babe! and thou art gone...”, has chosen to
seek comfort in their Christian faith - to lift their vision - to “re-vision” - from the hideous reality around them to the promise of
“tears turned to praise”. My intention, in creating this design and using these colours, is to suggestthe conflict between darkness
and light, despair and hope, and the strength and emerging triumph of faith.
Materials and techniques:
100% cotton fabric and batting.
Machine piecing and quilting
Click on image to enlarge