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Life Path: Time and Emotion
This quilt represents the path I take through life, round and round, up and down, two steps forwards and one step back. The path is knobbly, wobbly, variable and of indeterminate length. The ball of yarn was spun by me years ago and rediscovered recently and I have purposefully not unwound it – this is significant as I try to live in the moment, not knowing how much time is left. The vertical lines represent time passing, years and milestones, significant dates are marked. The background colours represent a mix of emotions, high and low, strong and weak – the day to day muddle through life.
Techniques/materials: background is recycled electric blanket, with machine Italian quilting using the electric wires are cord. Surface decoration is machine needle felting with purchased space-dyed bamboo fibres, and hand stitching. The “Thin Blue Line” is wool, hand spun by hand spindle, hand needle felted and stitched. Back |