As global warming increases, some dragonfly species are moving into uncharted territory from southern European countries to England. New types are monitored, mainly by amateur entomologists, so scientists can track where they are. Dragonflies can be difficult to identify because of their quick, darting, erratic flight patterns. The longest part of a dragonfly's life is also uncharted, spent as a larva deep in fresh water, living a secretive existence until it emerges as an adult dragonfly.
Dyed fabrics were overpainted, especially near the seams of the large squares, to help integrate the colours. The backing fabric was also overpainted to tone it down. Screen printing ink was used to stamp the dragonflies, on a padded table. They were stamped in different directions to indicate their erratic flight patterns, whereas on the reverse they are travelling from south to north. Iris leaves were printed with the ink to resemble reeds. Machine piecing, appliqué and quilting, both straight and free motion, were used, with monofilament and cotton threads. The quilt was finished using the ‘inside-out’ method and top stitched.