Karen Hurrell
I was strongly affected by the quotations and chose a design based on square frames, with other shapes from the quilt used in the quilting. Initially intending to incorporate words within these frames and after considering various options for text relating to children and loss, I decided to leave the squares blank as a symbol of the gaps left in people's lives by the loss of children. I chose colours similar to the original quilt when printing the fabric,
using limited pale areas to give a subdued effect more appropriate to the topic.
Materials and techniques
Cotton fabric screen-printed by maker and some commercial fabric
Machine piecing and quilting
Click on image to enlarge
I was strongly affected by the quotations and chose a design based on square frames, with other shapes from the quilt used in the quilting. Initially intending to incorporate words within these frames and after considering various options for text relating to children and loss, I decided to leave the squares blank as a symbol of the gaps left in people's lives by the loss of children. I chose colours similar to the original quilt when printing the fabric,
using limited pale areas to give a subdued effect more appropriate to the topic.
Materials and techniques
Cotton fabric screen-printed by maker and some commercial fabric
Machine piecing and quilting
Click on image to enlarge